The new 2024-Q4 release of GEFEG.FX introduces significant enhancements for the JSON Editor. Among the key new features is the ability to not only map JSON Schema Guides but also publish them as structured documentation These functionalities provide a new level of flexibility and efficiency in managing JSON-based data structures.

Link JSON schema guides with other data formats

With the new release, JSON Schema Guides can now be semantically mapped to other data formats in GEFEG.FX. This feature ensures that JSON Schema-based data structures are precisely connected to other data formats, enabling seamless harmonisation of interfaces even with differing terminology:

  • For instance, an item number might be described as data element 7140 (UN/EDIFACT) or IDTNR (SAP IDoc).
  • The mapping links all identifiers, allowing the JSON tag for the item number to be quickly located across other formats.

Publication of JSON Schema Guides

Soon, it will be possible to publish JSON Schema Guides using a dedicated new template—a functionality already available for other editor types in GEFEG.FX. This new documentation capability supports both internal and external communication through clear and structured presentations of JSON data formats.

What New JSON Features Does the 2024-Q4 Release Offer?

  • Optimised data integration: Map JSON schema guides with other data formats.
  • Publication and Communication: Publish JSON Schema Guides as structured documentation for internal and external use.

These new features in the GEFEG.FX JSON Editor make working with JSON data structures more efficient and enhance validation capabilities.

Tips & Tricks for GEFEG.FX: Using the Publishing Project File (.man)

A useful feature in GEFEG.FX is the Publishing Project File (.man), which plays a central role in generating outputs such as:

  • Documentation in HTML, Word, or PDF formats.
  • Exports for XSD generation.

Predefined Publishing Projects: The “Templates” folder within the GEFEG.Distribution contains predefined .man files that allow company-specific specifications to be documented without additional configuration.

Customising Publishing Projects: If the standard templates do not meet your requirements, users can tailor the structure to their needs. A common request is to include individual Word pages in the publishing project, such as a company profile, multi-page process description, or an introduction to the data format being published. These supplementary Word pages can be directly integrated into the Publishing Project File, eliminating the need for manual and time-consuming post-editing.

Performance Improvements for EDI Guides and Standards

Another key highlight of the update is the migration of all “classic” EDI Guides and Standards to a modern database format. This upgrade allows large datasets, such as UN Locodes, to load more quickly.

Important Implementation Notes:

  • To take advantage of this optimisation, all data packages for classic EDI standards must be re-downloaded during the update process.
  • Editing EDI Guides remains unchanged: Existing guides can still be opened, edited, and saved as usual.

This technical modernisation enhances the efficiency of processing EDI files without affecting the user workflow.

Data packages in the GEFEG.FX distribution

The following new, supplemented or modified data packages are available for download according to your license scope.

  • cXML

The package has been extended by these new versions: cXML version 1.2.063 and 1.2.064

  • Anfavea RND

These standards have been added to the package:

RND003v03, RND005v02, RND009v01, RND012v08, RND101v01, RND301v00, RND302v01, RND303v00, RND304v02, RND305v00, RND306v00, RND500v00, RND600v01, RND601v03, RND603v01, RND605v00, RND800v00, RND810v00, RND820v00, RND900v01, RND901v00, RND997v01, RND998v01

GEFEG.FX 2024-Q3 Release News

With the new GEFEG.FX quarterly release 2024-Q3, the following functionalities are also available for use.

Schematron Editor – More efficient validation with precise checks

The GEFEG.FX Schema Editor makes working with XML schema much easier and more efficient. You can specifically restrict formats, value scopes and accuracies of elements and attributes in GEFEG.FX schema. Transmitted values of the XML file must fulfil precisely these requirements.

In practical situations, it is often not enough just to check the syntax; complex business rules, such as totalling calculations or if-then conditions, must also be fulfilled. These specific requirements can be perfectly covered in GEFEG.FX with Schematron rules.

You can use the Schematron editor to edit and test individual Schematron rules directly and specifically in your XSD project. You don’t have to process the entire file, instead changes can be checked quickly and precisely.

This is how it works:

  • Simply click on the ‘Check’ note of your Schematron rule and select ‘Edit and test Schematron rule’ in the context menu to open the editor for the respective rule.


Your benefits:

  • Fast validation: Check your XML files easily and precisely.
  • Clear results: Thanks to the markings in green (error-free) and red (incorrect), you know immediately where action is required.
  • Efficient workflow: Edit rules directly in the ‘Assertion’ field, test the changes immediately and repeat the process until the desired result is achieved.


With the Schematron editor, you can prepare or correct Schematron rules more quickly and ensure smooth and correct data processing.

Directly test Schematron rules in GEFEG.FX

Which export is the best choice to create an XSD from my GEFEG.FX schema?

Depending on the application, use different export options to generate an XSD file from your GEFEG.FX schema.

In the B2B environment, an XSD file is often used for different scenarios:

  • Message structure: An XSD can be used to represent the structure of a message by clearly displaying all the necessary elements and attributes of an XML file.
  • Validation: An XSD is also used to validate XML instances. Higher requirements are placed here, as messages can be designed at element level in GEFEG.FX.


If you want to use your XSD file for validation, we recommend exporting it as a „Validation Schema“. This export takes into account all changes that you have made at element level and creates an XSD file that integrates these adjustments. This differs from the ‘Profile Schema’ export, where such changes are not applied.

The ‘Validation Schema’ export is available as an add-on and offers you a customised solution for validating complex XML instances.

With the right export, you can ensure that your XSD file meets exactly the requirements you need for your application.

Tipps and Tricks for GEFEG.FX: Open the Windows Explorer in the Manager

Opening the Windows Explorer in the GEFEG.FX Manager

Here’s a pro tip for those occasions when you need to handle something outside of GEFEG.FX. Simply highlight the relevant section in the GEFEG.FX Manager, then select “Open folder in Explorer” from the menu. This will give you direct access to the files you need right within Windows Explorer. It’s a quick and efficient way to manage your data without leaving the GEFEG.FX environment.

This function is particularly useful if you want to fill a test data folder with test messages: Open the test data folder directly from GEFEG.FX, copy the test messages to the corresponding folder in Windows, and then update the test data folder in GEFEG.FX Your test messages are then immediately available for validation in the GEFEG.FX. Your test messages are then immediately available for validation in GEFEG.FX.

Data packages in GEFEG.FX

The following new, supplemented or modified data packages are available for download according to your license scope.

  • cXML – New data package
  • New: Sample data provided for API and JSON
  • UBL 2.2, 2.3, 2.4
  • RosettaNet Update: New PIPs provided
  • WCO Data Model version 4.1.0

Data update now available with GEFEG.FX

The World Customs Organisation (WCO) has recently published version 4.1.0 of its data model. GEFEG.FX users of the WCO Data Model can now access the new version publication 4.1.0 after performing an internet update.

New: Booking Reservation Information DIP Now Included in version 4.1.0

As with previous updates, the World Customs Organisation provides key regulatory data requirements in response to new or amended legislation. These are first submitted by customs authorities and implementers as amendments to the WCO data model and then implemented.

With the release of version 4.1.0, the WCO data model introduces the new Booking Reservation Information (BRI) dataset. This dataset is now available as a derived information package (DIP), which has been specifically designed to simplify the implementation tasks of the users of the WCO Data Model and the cruise industry.

This updated version also integrates the UPU dataset and the Joint Message Standards, which further improves the simplification and processing of postal items. These enhancements are aimed at improving efficiency and compliance across the global customs landscape.

Customs authorities around the globe further strive for effectiveness and efficiency

It is an important objective for the WCO to provide and further develop its global standard for seamless cross-border transactions for all Customs administrations worldwide.

What are the benefits of the WCO Data Model, which is intended to be the basis for information exchange of cross-border regulatory processes in a global supply chain?

The Data Model opens the possibility for Customs authorities to achieve interoperability and collaboration in Single Window and other implementations. Data flow and integration of business data for Customs procedures are simplified and harmonized.

The main components of the WCO data model consist of ‘Base Information Packages’ and ‘Additional Information Packages’.

Information packages are used to compile information that is transmitted by the trading partners on the one hand. On the other hand, customs authorities process this information for typical customs processes and procedures. Customs processes cover Single Window, or other implementations, including those at the virtual border. This includes, for example, declaration of goods movement, licenses, permits, certificates, or other types of regulatory cross-border trade documents.

Delivery of the WCO Data Model in a structured and reusable format in GEFEG.FX

In cooperation with the World Customs Organization, GEFEG has been delivering the WCO Data Model with GEFEG.FX software since the early 2010s. For customs authorities, government organisations, traders and other parties involved in cross-border regulatory processes, this has opened up new opportunities for joint development work and user-specific use of the WCO Data Model. The advantage for our users: GEFEG.FX simplifies and rationalises the reuse of the WZO data model. Furthermore, a ready-to-use XML schema export function compatible with the WZO data model also contributes to the support of customised implementations.

Easy and effective use of the WCO Data Model

Many users of the WCO Data Model packages in GEFEG.FX have already successfully made use of the simple and efficient methods for reusing the WCO Data Model. They use GEFEG.FX to plan and implement their country and/or region-specific customs data requirements based on legislation. Our users have an important task with every new release. They need to determine whether their existing implementations need to be modified to incorporate the latest WCO definitions of objects and customs procedures. This is the only way to ensure continuous compliance with the data model.

Welcome to the WCO Data Model 4.1.0 webinar

GEFEG invites all interested users of the WCO data model to participate in our webinar on the changes in the latest version 4.1.0 of the WCO data model. unserem Webinar (in englischer Sprache) über die Änderungen der neuesten Version 4.1.0 des WZO-Datenmodells . The webinar will look at the potential impact of the new version and its implementation by business and technical implementers. The audience will also receive information on the ‘how-to’ documents supplied with the new release, which will support all users in applying all the typical steps involved in implementing the new version of the WZO data model. The participants then have the opportunity to express their wishes, questions and comments during the 15-minute question and answer session.

Now also develop JSON schema guides with GEFEG.FX – New functions in the JSON schema editor

Enhancement for the development of JSON schemas for EDI and business data management: You can now also create JSON schema guides with GEFEG.FX. This means that the proven guide technology is now also available for JSON schemas.

Read more: New JSON schema guide functions – More flexibility and quality for EDI


What else is new in the GEFEG.FX 2024-Q2 release?

With the new GEFEG.FX quarterly release 2024-Q2, the following new or enhanced functionalities are also available for use.

Assign file names automatically in the publishing project, as of now in the current release

The new version of GEFEG.FX allows you to automatically assign file names when creating documentation, whereas previously each new file name had to be defined manually. From now on, GEFEG.FX automatically uses the names of the GEFEG.FX objects as aliases for the documentation files that you want to create.

The new process saves time and eliminates potential sources of error, as manual naming per documentation file is no longer necessary.


ISO 20022 schema exports from data models is now easier

More and more B2B standards are being published as syntax-neutral data models, including the ISO 20022 data model for the financial industry. The use of data models with GEFEG.FX has the unique advantage that company-specific GEFEG.FX guidelines can be created on the basis of the data models. In these guides, users describe the requirements of their company, such as the restriction of elements.

XML schema formats generated from the data model or data model guideline are used for data exchange in production systems. The smooth, automatic flow of data from the data model to the schema is therefore an important prerequisite for successful data exchange.

Previously, a GEFEG.FX schema had to be created manually in an intermediate step and then exported as an XSD file. This process has been optimised – from the data model to the GEFEG.FX schema! Now you can export the XML schema directly from a data model via publishing projects with a single click.


Improved conversion of continuous text in Microsoft Word documents for PDF documents

GEFEG.FX enables you to document data structures simply and efficiently. Many users use Microsoft Word to present their data clearly with additional information. With the Word file format, the user data is clearly presented together with supplementary information and provides a clear insight into the structure and properties of your data.

The output of these Word documents as PDF files has now been improved. If you now create documentation with GEFEG.FX publishing projects, plain text is now generated in all Notes with text content, line breaks in continuous text are omitted. This eliminates potential sources of error and simplifies the subsequent work steps with the aim of generating a PDF file as the documentation result.


Improved guide comparison display

The guide comparison shows differences between two comparison objects in a comparison list below the two data structures. As we have noticed in support cases that the display is not always easy to understand, this view has been streamlined and new categories have been added to help users recognise differences more quickly and understand them better. This makes it easier to understand the differences between the data structures.


Data packages in GEFEG.FX

The following new, supplemented or modified data packages are available for download

  • UN/EDIFACT: Version D.23B will not be available in accordance with the UN/CEFACT decision, as no change requests and therefore no changes have been submitted
  • UN/Locode, Status as of 2023-2
  • GS1 EANCOM® Application Guidelines: Fashion 2.1 added
  • ISO20022: Version 2024 of the e-Repository is available.
  • Odette Recommendations: An updated version is available
  • VDA Recommendations: An updated version is available
  • xCBL 3.0 + 3.5: Elements now also contain descriptions
  • DK Guideline Schemas V3.7 (Deutsche Kreditwirtschaft)


The GEFEG.FX JSON schema editor is being continuously enhanced and now offers even more functions for the development of JSON schemas. Further functions are already planned for the next GEFEG.FX releases and are already under development.

You can now develop JSON schema guides with GEFEG.FX. This new function extends the JSON schema editor and brings the proven guide technology to JSON schemas. After a GEFEG.FX update, these new options will be available to users of the JSON schema editor. In this article, we introduce the Guide technology and explain its benefits for users.

What is a guide in GEFEG.FX and how do I use it?

A GEFEG.FX Guide is a data structure customised to the individual requirements of a user, also known as a specification, implementation regulation or application guideline. This describes the specific application of an EDI standard, XML schema or data model in practice. GEFEG.FX users are already familiar with this option from other areas, such as the development of XML schema guides or data model guides.

Imagine a transparent layer over your basic schema. We call this layer a guide. The use of guide technology makes it possible to visualise, comment on and restrict structural elements of these guides without changing the underlying basic schema. In short, you can now develop JSON schema guides based on JSON schemas.

Benefits of the guide technology

  • Flexibility: You can exchange the basic schema without having to redevelop the guide. Your data structures always remain up-to-date and the maintenance effort is low.
  • Control: You retain control over your data structures, even with external changes or schemas from third-party providers.
  • Multiple application profiles: You can create different guides for the same basic schema and thus maintain different application profiles.
  • Complex application scenarios: Several guides can be placed on top of each other. This allows different user groups in more complex usage scenarios to define their own guidelines for successive levels.
  • High data quality: The guidelines are continuously validated against the base schema during creation and updating. This automatic checking process ensures that no errors are made when defining a specification. The high data quality of your own specification is therefore always guaranteed.

JSON schemas – Business data management requirements always in view

With the guide technology for JSON schemas, we continue to offer up-to-date solutions for the design phase in B2B, EDI and EAI processes, and always keep an eye on the management of business data. The JSON schema editor offers the possibility to design and organise complex data structures as well as the flexibility to dynamically adapt your schemas to changing requirements. We are convinced that JSON schema guides are a valuable addition for all users who want to expand their EDI activities with JSON technology.

Contact us today and find out yourself how the GEFEG.FX JSON schema editor with Guide technology will empower your organisation.

Next steps: Webinar, individual presentation, offer

Our first webinar on JSON schema, JSON schema guides and their application with GEFEG.FX will take place in October. We look forward to your participation.

Using JSON schema with GEFEG.FX – How does it work? – Free Webinar

For personal presentation and consultation appointments, please contact us by e-mail or telephone. Find out how the GEFEG.FX JSON schema editor with guide technology can support you. Of course, we will also be pleased to make you an offer for your GEFEG.FX licence.

What is New in the GEFEG.FX 2023-Q4 Release

With the new GEFEG.FX quarterly release 2023-Q4, the following new or enhanced functionalities are available for use.

New data packages in GEFEG.FX

    • UN/EDIFACT D.23A
  • ISO20022: External code lists update
  • DK Guidelines 3.7: pain.001, pain.002 and pain.008
  • GS1 eCom Standards: GS1 XML 3.6

New filter function for Notes in GEFEG.FX – More organised overview with the new notes filter in the models and schemas editors

Notes filter in the GEFEG.FX view

The use of notes offers every user the opportunity to enhance their guides or standards with additional, valuable information and is an essential aspect of specifying guides with GEFEG.FX. This can include validation rules, mapping IDs, internal notes, customer descriptions and much more. Notes in GEFEG.FX are used for output in documentation in MS Word/HTML format, but also for executing special functions, such as validation. In the case of comprehensive commenting, navigation in the Notes section can become time-consuming due to the large number of Notes.

Thanks to the new Notes filter function, you now have the option of only displaying the notes relevant to your current task. This allows you to concentrate on the essentials when updating by hiding all notes that are not relevant to your current task. This is particularly useful for comprehensive guides in which the Notes section contains a wealth of information. For example, you can hide mapping IDs that are not relevant outside of mapping projects or focus specifically on validation rules.

Notes filter in the GEFEG.FX search

The filter function not only extends to the display, but can also be used effectively when searching. If you only want to include certain notes in a search, you can find the relevant results much more quickly by setting a filter. This further filter function can be called up and used via the search function. There you can easily select the notes you want to display or hide.

All in just one project: Create and update multilingual documentation centrally

Creating multilingual documentation has never been so easy! Previously, it was necessary to create a separate publishing project for each language. This also required reports and layouts for each language, which was associated with a high potential for errors during updates, as these files had to be maintained separately.

From now on, all languages can be managed in a single publishing project. This not only saves time during creation, but also for future updates. There are also fewer systematic errors if only one publishing project has to be maintained instead of several.

The new functionality is controlled via layouts. The layouts now have the “Languages” function at the top left. Here you can add the required languages and then select the desired language(s) to be taken into account when generating new documentation. Individual fields can also be linked to a specific language.

Does existing documentation need to be updated?

No, it is not absolutely necessary to change existing publishing projects. The new function is primarily recommended for customers who want to create new multilingual documentation.

If you already manage multilingual documentation in GEFEG.FX, you can of course simply retain the layouts and report files already in use or switch to the new language function later as part of a publishing project update.

In the middle of 2023, the World Customs Organization released a new major version of its Data Model. GEFEG.FX users of the WCO Data Model version 4.0.0 can now access the new version publication.

What is new in v4.0.0? Regulatory data requirements due to new or amended legislation submitted as change requests by Customs authorities and WCO Data Model implementers have been added and/or modified.

Furthermore, this major version release addresses pending critical cosmetic and breaking correctional activities since the last major version to improve the efficiency and usage of the WCO Data Model.

The involvement of Customs authorities globally supports an important objective of the WCO Data Model: Requirements of national and regional legislations or guidelines for implementation are considered and incorporated into the WCO Data Model. There are changes in the Information Packages (BIP), i.e. two of the major BIPs have been merged to create a new Additional Information Package (AIP). Please note that this type of change, amongst others, makes this release version non-backwards compatible with previous versions.

Customs authorities around the globe further strive for effectiveness and efficiency

It is an important objective for the WCO to provide and further develop its global standard for seamless cross-border transactions for all Customs administrations worldwide.

What are the benefits of the WCO Data Model, which is intended to be the basis for information exchange of cross-border regulatory processes in a global supply chain?

  • The Data Model opens the possibility for Customs authorities to achieve interoperability and collaboration in Single Window and other implementations.
  • Data flow and integration of business data for Customs procedures are simplified and harmonized.
  • The main components of the WCO Data Model consist of “Base Information Packages” and “Additional Information Packages”.

Information Packages compile information submitted by trading parties on one side and processed by Customs authorities for typical Customs processes and procedures on the other side. Customs processes cover Single Window, or other implementations, including those at the virtual border. This includes, for example, declaration of goods movement, licenses, permits, certificates, or other types of regulatory cross-border trade documents.

Delivery of the WCO Data Model in a structured and reusable format in GEFEG.FX

In cooperation with the World Customs Organization, GEFEG has been delivering the WCO Data Model with GEFEG.FX software since the early 2010s. Thus, new possibilities for joint development work and user-specific usage of the WCO Data Model opened up for Customs authorities, governmental organizations, traders and other parties involved in cross-border regulatory processes. For users, the reuse of the WCO Data Model is simplified and streamlined with GEFEG.FX. A ready-to-use WCO Data Model compliant XML schema export also contributes to this.

Easy and effective use of the WCO Data Model

Many users of the WCO Data Model packages in GEFEG.FX have been impressed by the simple and efficient methods for reusing the WCO Data Model to plan and implement their country and/or regional specific Customs data requirements based on legislation. With each new release, it is important for users to determine if their existing implementations need to be modified to incorporate the latest WCO definitions of objects and Customs procedures to ensure compliance with the Data Model.

In this release, changes have been applied as submitted by member administrations plus corrective changes from WCO intersessional development work approved and maintained by the WCO Data Model Project Team and incorporated into GEFEG.FX by the GEFEG Implementation Support Team.

Join the WCO DM 4.0.0 Webinar

GEFEG invites all interested users of the WCO Data Model to join our webinar on the deliverables and changes in the latest published version 4.0.0 of the WCO Data Model with GEFEG.FX. The webinar will also address the potential impact of the new version and its implementations by business and technical implementers. In addition, GEFEG will present the “How-to” documents delivered with the new release to assist all users in applying all the typical steps when implementing the new version of the WCO Data Model. In the 15-minute question and answer session, participants will have the opportunity to express wishes, questions and comments.

GEFEG.FX – New in the 2023-Q3 Update

With the new GEFEG.FX GEFEG.FX Quartarly Release 2023-Q3, the following new or further developed functionalities are available for use.

New data packages in GEFEG.FX

    • UN/EDIFACT D.22B
    • UN/EDIFACT D.22A
    • UNECE / ISO code lists update
    • UN Locode 2022-2
  • ISO 20022
    • Model & schema 2023-07
    • External code lists 2023-07
    • Models and schemas 2023-03-21
    • Code lists update
  • GS1 eCom standards
    • GS1 Semantic Data Dictionary (SDD): Despatch Advice
    • GS1 XML 3.5.1
    • GS1 Application Guidelines 9.3
    • GS1 XML update for code lists and example values
    • GS1 XML enriched with codes, as of 3.0

Using JSON schema for EDI: Advanced integration with the new GEFEG.FX JSON Editor

Times change and this is usually accompanied by new requirements. This naturally also affects the electronic exchange of business data, and here in particular new technical exchange formats as a supplement to the classic EDI and XML formats. For some time now, GEFEG.FX’s range of services has been enriched by its own API Editor.

With the new release, a JSON editor is now also available and offers a powerful way to design, customise and reuse customer specific data structures in JSON format.

For more information, see the following article: Now ready for use for GEFEG.FX users: The JSON Editor

UN/EDIFACT syntax versions consolidated!

With the publication of the UN/EDIFACT Syntax Verison 3 Part 11, users of the UN/EDIFACT standard will be able to use selected fields of syntax version 4 in syntax version 3, among others. This new syntax is implemented in GEFEG.FX as of the D.22A release.

Users now have the possibility to choose between the following syntaxes:

  • Syntax 3,
  • Syntax 4 and
  • Syntax 3 Part 11

In short, the new syntax allows compatibility between the previous syntaxes.

We would be happy to discuss what this means for your EDIFACT based guides and whether there is a need for action in a non-binding meeting. Get in touch with us!

New functions require new data format versions

What would software be without constant further developments, functional enhancements, bug fixes and, in the case of GEFEG.FX, new data modules? Of course, this is a purely rhetorical question, because we are constantly implementing new customer requirements or expanding existing functions.
Sometimes you as a user will be prompted by a pop-up to update the data format version in your GEFEG.FX version due to an innovation: If possible, always save your GEFEG.FX Guides in a current data format version immediately in order to be able to use the newly provided functions and improvements.

You can read the current data format version of your GEFEG.FX object in the GEFEG.FX information area.

Screenshot from GEFEG.FX showing the current data format version of a GEFEG.FX object

The next practical case will follow with the next release. With regard to EDI guides and EDI standards in particular, the following applies: With the next 2023-Q4 release, these will only be able to be processed with the data format version from 2019-Q3. GEFEG recommends that you update the data format version of your files before the next release upgrade so that you can continue to work seamlessly with your EDI guides.

Please also note the following information:

Regardless of the specific situation of the 2023-Q4 Release, we would like to point out, in connection with the data format version that all GEFEG.FX users within an organization should use the same GEFEG.FX release version to avoid compatibility problems. Under certain circumstances, it could otherwise happen that GEFEG.FX objects saved with a newer GEFEG.FX version cannot be opened with older GEFEG.FX versions.

With the rapid expansion of the internet came the ever-increasing need to standardise communication between web applications and their users. For this reason, JSON was developed in 2001 to facilitate communication between a client and server as an open file format. Because of its ease of use and great versatility, JSON became established as the central exchange format on the Internet.

Though JSON was first used on the web, this data format is also becoming increasingly popular in electronic data exchange. As with all exchange formats, JSON files must be read, evaluated and verified by the recipient. For this reason, JSON Schema was developed. In a JSON schema, rules and conditions are defined that must be observed by JSON data. Typically, such criteria are, among others, properties, references, and types.

Also with JSON, an understanding of the underlying business processes is necessary. Thus, software is needed that effectively handles these challenges. For these reasons, we have developed the JSON schema editor as an extension to our GEFEG.FX software solution. The new editor now offers all companies the possibility to effectively manage all these challenges.

Powerful JSON schema design

GEFEG’s JSON Schema Editor provides a powerful solution to design JSON schemas. Companies can now intuitively design complex data structures that meet the requirements of their specific business processes. The editor’s user-friendly interface allows users to easily define and organise JSON objects and their properties. This not only facilitates the design phase, but also ensures a consistent and clear presentation of the data – a big plus for smooth cooperation with partners and customers.

Efficient editing of JSON schemas

GEFEG.FX’s JSON Schema Editor offers a comprehensive range of editing tools that allow organisations to precisely customise JSON schemas. Whether it’s updating existing schemas or adding new elements, the editor makes the process easier than ever. With the ability to create and modify complex hierarchies, users are in control of their data structures and can make changes with ease.

Converting XML files into JSON schemas

Another notable feature of GEFEG’s JSON Schema Editor is the ability to convert XML files into JSON schema structures. XML files are widely used and are an important technical format for data exchange. By converting XML files, a JSON schema is available with one click, which organisations can use, for example, for use in databases and processing procedures, without having to laboriously re-enter the XML schema in JSON-format.

Since experience shows that companies are using multiple data exchange formats and need to orchestrate the interplay of multiple syntaxes, this step enables a smooth migration to a more modern data exchange landscape and facilitates the adaptation to the latest EDI trends. In addition, the conversion from XML to JSON schema helps to improve interoperability between different systems and platforms, resulting in seamless and efficient data exchange.


In the dynamic world of EDI, innovative solutions are critical to meet the demands of the modern business world. The GEFEG.FX JSON Schema Editor complements the existing functional areas and offers a powerful way to design, customise and reuse customer-specific data structures in JSON format. This fulfils important current requirements in the electronic exchange of business data. GEFEG continues to provide critical functionality that businesses need to succeed in an ever-evolving digital landscape.

We look forward to presenting the features and benefits of the new JSON editor to you and supporting you in its use. You would like to learn more about the JSON editor? Please contact us!

Over the last 30 years, a number of standards for electronic data exchange between business partners have been created in order to standardise it, often with the aim of adapting it to the business processes of an industry. These standards, which are now well established, have contributed significantly to the fact that companies today save costs by using standardised data exchange formats. After this successful innovation push through B2B standards in electronic data exchange, the search continues for new, innovative and more efficient solutions to further optimise data exchange.

GS1 has taken the next step with the development and publication of the “GS1 Semantic Data Dictionary” (SDD). The semantic data model was developed to define all business-relevant data needed for the exchange of EDI messages in the supply chain, such as purchase order, order confirmation, invoice and other messages. Unlike syntaxes such as UN/EDIFACT, XML Schema, X12, the message structure does not matter: GS1 SDDs focus on the semantic content of the business processes. This creates a comprehensive, higher-level data model that acts as a dictionary and library.

How does the GS1 SDD model benefit users?

Generally speaking, any number of subsets can be derived from the GS1 SDD model and/or the subsets for the supply chain processes. Users leverage the GS1 SDD data model to develop data models tailored to their own use case, containing only the information that the user actually needs. Irrespective of the technical aspects of data exchange, this further improves harmonisation, maintainability, consistency and interoperability of the data. In GEFEG.FX, these subsets can be created as model guides and used with the usual range of functions such as documentation, structural adjustments, mapping options.
Based on the data model, users can develop their APIs or, in the next step, they can link the user-specific data model with a logical mapping to the data formats of the eBusiness standards used, e.g. GS1 EANCOM® or GS1 XML.
Another advantage for users: In case of future updates of the data model, changes can be transferred to the already linked data formats with little effort. Users can manage their interfaces with business partners even more efficiently.

GS1 SDD as a new data module in the GEFEG Distribution

With great commitment, GEFEG has participated in the development process of the GS1 SDD and contributed to the release of this data model. As of now, we offer the GS1 SDD data model as an additional data module in the distribution of GEFEG.FX. The data package also contains the model subsets of the Orders, Invoice and Order Response processes. In addition, it contains detailed mappings for supply chain messages to the GS1 EANCOM®, GS1 XML and SCRDM CII data formats of the same name.

The new data package allows you to easily integrate the GS1 SDD into your existing message formats using the included mappings and to communicate smoothly between different data formats.

Should you require further information or support, we will be happy to assist you. We look forward to introducing you to the advantages of the new GEFEG.FX data package and assisting you with the implementation.